Just for fun...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Day 2

Day two of my new blog... I'm on a roll here....
It is the first day of December and it is SNOWING. I like the snow - I don't like that Pocatello doesn't plow the roads. I live up a hill that really needs to be plowed! But I will try to not complain about that anymore, but no promises.
Well, I wanted to let everyone know about my new addiction: Ace Hardware. I am discovering that I love that store. I've been there twice this week. It isn't a huge store, but I spent atleast 45 minutes in it last night. They have so many fun gagets, like the key chain that turns into a backpack! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF SUCH A THING - I had to buy it. The cute little pink tool kit that was 50% off, I had to buy it. My purpose of going was to get an ice scraper - they're out till Saturday. I have to tell you, I'm not disappointed that I have to return to Ace Hardware on Saturday to get an ice scraper. 3 times in one week isn't bad, right?
My Dog Makes Me Sad: It was such a sad thing this morning when I had to leave the house. I went to go clean the snow off my car windows and Sadie Moose came out with me --- when it was time to take her back inside so that I could leave, she layed down next to my car and refusing to move she gave me the look "I'm going with you and I refuse to do anything else." It was such a sad look and a painful departure for me this morning. Sadie was so sad that I had to leave her... I ended up having to bribe her into the house with many goodies. I love my dog and my dog loves me. What more do you need in life?


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