Just for fun...

Monday, September 29, 2008


so, at work today a 4 year old and I were talking.... He said something about a Spiderman costume... so, I replied with "oh, are you going to be Spiderman for Halloween?" He said, "no I'm going to be a butt." So, I was being a smart alec and said "oh, where do you find a costume like that?" And he replied "I take a picture of my butt and put it on my face."
Where does a 4yr old come up with this stuff???


At 7:04 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Kids say the craziest things. I wonder if he heard an older sibling say something like that.

At 2:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

he is so cute...what a funny kid. grace kids are interesting tho...

At 10:54 AM , Blogger emily said...

did you tell him that no, he wouldn't be a butt but a butt-face?


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