Just for fun...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


So, there is this cutest kindergartner. Well, we were at lunch one day and he always brings his lunch. On this particular day, those who had hot lunch got a yummmy sugar cookie with their lunch. This cute kindergartner with his own lunch asked "can I have a sugar cookie?" Well, the other teacher just kinda brushed this request off cause he had his own lunch. About 10 minutes later this child asked again, "can I have a sugar cookie?" The other teacher informed him, "The sugar cookies are only for those who purchase a hot lunch." This cute Kindergartner got a sad look on his face and about 1 minute later said... " Dad says when he gets a job we can afford cookies & snacks in our lunch."
This statement was immediately followed by 2 teachers hearts breaking.......
This cute Kindergartner then had 2 sugar cookies snuck to him....


At 10:46 PM , Blogger emily said...

ohhhhhhhhh! SAD!!!!! That about made me cry.

At 6:01 AM , Blogger Steph said...

Well, I did cry!

At 6:38 AM , Blogger Adriane said...


At 8:46 AM , Blogger Katie said...



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