Just for fun...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


In memory of Sandra Vargason Nov. 11, 1954 - Aug 10, 2009. The following is a little spiel I quickly put together to share at Sandra's memorial service. I found out the night before, so would have liked a little bit longer to put some thoughts together... but this is the first thing that flowed from my heart when I sat down and thought... "How do I honor Sandra in a 3 minute spiel" ;)

For the past 5 years, every Sunday I walk in the doors of this church… I always make sure I look to the left back row seat right in front of the sound booth. I look to see if Sandra is present. Because IF Sandra is here it means a guaranteed hug and kiss for me. Selfish motives really. Because there’s something special about a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Sandra. It’s a hug that is above and beyond any ordinary hug. A hug from Sandra was ALWAYS a hug packed full of unexplainable, supernatural, immeasurable amounts of encouragement, care, and love.

Sandra was one of my biggest supporters and prayer warriors ever since I met her when I began working with Chi Alpha. She has encouraged me time and time and time again in the ministry I am a part of. … and I feel indebted to Sandra cause I feel like I wouldn’t be where I am without her. I know that her prayers have laid the foundation in what God has done in my life and in the ministry of Chi Alpha.

I know, in fact, that Sandra Vargason has prayed prayers that have laid the foundation and made way for God to work in the lives of many, many, many people. We all know that Sandra had a special place in her heart for the young people. For the youth and for the college students --- And She was always willing to offer her home or her kitchen or her yard or her volleyball net or whatever she had…to be used by students. Sandra knew that God was up to good things in the lives of our students and she was always eager to sit down and hear stories about what God’s been doing. She really took a genuine interest in the lives of the students.

And what I absolutely loved about Sandra was that she was like a prayer sniper. She would pinpoint specific college students who would come to church here. And she would ask me their name and she would tell me they were on "her list" and I knew exactly what she was talking about. She was praying for them…. And their lives probably won’t be the same because of Sandra Vargason….. But they don’t know that.

From the back row of the left side right in front of the sound booth the world has been changed. From the back row of the left side right in front of the sound booth lives have been impacted…. My life has been impacted…. I am confident of that.

And I dare to say, (and most people in the room here tonight will agree with me) that the domino affect of life after life after life after life being impacted by the love, and encouragement and faith and prayer life and hugs and kisses of Sandra Vargason is immeasurable and unimaginable.

I dearly miss those hugs…. packed full of supernatural encouragement, care, and love. It feels like there is something missing in the back row of the left side right in front of the sound booth. However… I rejoice with all of you in the life of Sandra… and I smile when I think of her with Jesus… I take note of the example of the Christ centered life she displayed and am inspired by the life of love that she lived. And I want to go tell my students about Sandra’s life. . . and I want to tell them that she was praying for them… and explain to them the significance of that…. What a legacy that we are all really are apart of. I am thankful to God for the life and love of Sandra.


At 12:25 PM , Blogger Steph said...

You really did describe a Sandra hug perfectly

At 5:20 PM , Blogger Adriane said...

you described a perfect picture of a wonderful woman, sara...you did awesome!


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