Just for fun...

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

a little late

Well, I wanted to get a pic of my car turning over 100,000 miles. I wanted a pic of 99,999.... but I missed it!!! I got distracted and I missed it!!!! I will never get the opportunity on this car to get a pic of 99,999 .... and then turning over to 100,000. :( oh well, this is the closest I'll get for a photo. And well, maybe there is a lesson to be learned about distractions... ;)


At 12:46 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Perhaps you were instead paying attention while driving?

At 3:19 PM , Blogger Katie said...

Yeah, driving and staying alive are just a little more important. I had to call someone when mine turned, so understand. (o:


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