Just for fun...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Where'd the weekend go?

It is Monday- The weekends go by way too fast, I'm tellin' ya.
Where did my weekend go? 2 questions I often ask, Where'd all my money go? Where'd the weekend go?
Well, Friday night I had this Christmas dinner to go to where I got caught putting a spoon on my nose - I was bored, put a spoon on my nose so my boss Paul could take a picture of me on his camera phone. Right at that split second they called my name in recognition of something, I really don't know what, and everyone looked at me and I had a spoon on my nose. After my dinner I reverted back to my Junior High days (or maybe that happened during the dinner) and went roller skating. That was great fun.
Saturday I actually got up and worked out - but the lady working at the gym was much too excited and high squeeky-talking the whole time, just annoyed me. I walked in and she yelled "Good morning, Sunshine." I was ready to turn around and go back to bed. It was Sacred Sleep Saturday - what was I thinking going to the gym that morning?
I then spent some time with my sick roommate at the Immediate physician care place - She's feeling better now: she's on antibiotics. So she could go to work today because of drugs - otherwise she'd be at home in bed. Saturday night I went to a basketball game and watched ISU win in overtime. It was exciting. Sunday I went to Church and to lunch (that always takes up half the day)then me a a couple friends went shopping. I hate shopping, but this time it was quite enjoyable, maybe it was because of the company. Oh, and by the way I went back to Ace Hardware. I LOVE THAT PLACE!


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