Just for fun...

Friday, December 16, 2005


It is FRIDAY! There is just a "feeling" to Fridays that I love! Makes me wanna sing and dance... I was singing in the car and I looked over to the car next to me and there was an older couple laughing at me. I was so glad that I brought them joy and gave them something to laugh about. :) The dry cleaner lady was sooo nice to me today. I needed a coat drycleaned (it had melted carmel and chocolate in the pocket... opppps, thats Fawn's fault) before monday because I am leaving on monday, unfortunately they are swamped and couldn't get my coat done till Tuesday. As I was just about to sadly leave, she said nevermind and that she'll get it done before 2:00 tomorrow. I love her. Anyone in Pocatello need to get things dry cleaned... go to Proffessional Drycleaners next to Changs Garden! They Rock! I think I will go to Ace Hardware today, I am having withdrawl!


At 11:35 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Colleen and I sing Down By The Bay in the car all the time. We get great looks from other people.

At 1:03 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

Um, yeah...if you would have ate the chocolate like I told you to in the first place, the mess in your coat wouldn't have happened. Lesson learned: next time listen to me!

At 3:53 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Fawn - YOu just want to make me fat!


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