Just for fun...

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Weekend

This weekend I went to a conference/retreat thing in utah. It was a ton of fun. We were kind of "roughin' it" in the woods and froze our butts off the first night and didn't shower that whole weekend. But thats part of the fun, right? we ate krispy creme on the way home "yum!", and got to see the beautiful scenery of Utah and Idaho... I think it is a georgous place! I couldn't stop taking pictures!....
...and probably the best part of it all was making friends with the cutest old ladies in the world that were amazingly FUN to be around. My favortie was Lily who in the picture above is talkin' to Adriane... we had a hat making contest and they are modeling their hats. I want to bring Lily home with me and adopt her as my live in grandma.
anyways... probably the bestest part of all was being able to laugh and hangout with adriane... I love that girl! thanks for eatin' donuts with me, and a whole box of cookies, and baked cheetos! you're the best...


At 6:06 PM , Blogger Adriane said...

i loved hanging out with you too!! i'll have to admit, the fellowship with you, julie, and joanna was one of the biggest draws of me wanting to go. i miss that kind of stuff. and the fact that you also despise freezing your butt off to take a shower, which in turn means going 48 greasy hours without a shower. and you like junk food. we're kindred spirits:)

At 9:09 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

I like that you don't shower ;) Wish I could have "roughed it" with you-is that even a word...glad you had a good time!

At 6:28 AM , Blogger Janel said...

yummy donuts. krispy creme is no winns bakery though. I can't wait until we move somewhere we can camp out and rough it with out dying in the heat. you didn't see bigfoot did you?

At 6:29 AM , Blogger Janel said...

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At 6:31 AM , Blogger Janel said...

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