Just for fun...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Don't eat body Wash!

I must say that fawn (http://fawnjohnsonfawnjohn.blogspot.com) isn't alone when she eats body wash for lunch or breakfast. I had such a similar experience today when I went to smell some body wash at the store and it shot up into my nose and my mouth... i had the taste in my mouth forever... ick! Sad thing is that fawn was in my presence when it happened and she laughed at me. But I was laughing too, I tried my best to play it cool... then I proceeded to buy adriane the coolest birthday present...(I can't tell you what it is just by chance she might get to read this before she opens her present) but I think it's funny... i'll let you know later.


At 9:11 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I took a peek at the gift before it was opened and I laughed. Then, Adrianne opened the gift and I laughed harder as I got the full effect. Good job.

At 4:58 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

HA ha, you are so cool. The best is that you tried to act like it didn't happen and I totally saw the whole thing. hahaha still makes me laugh :)


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