Just for fun...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Deeper thoughts

I feel like I've been in "deep thought" lately... but when I sit down to share my deep thoughts, my mind becomes blank. What was I going to share? I dunno.
Well, you know, I've been thinkin' lately about how my eyes have become so open to all the crap that goes on in people's lives. I am left speechless by the pain and struggles that people around me go through. So many people walk through life only revealing what is on the surface, when actually deep down they are broken, hurt, and struggling. We live in a world of hurt. And who cares about that? Doesn't seem like many... Who wants to see that change? Well, people say they do, but then they do nothing about it... makes me wonder do they really wanna see it change? Do they really care?
I've seen how much Jesus cares. I see how much Jesus weeps with the people who weep. Do we feel the pain the people around us feel and weep with them? I see how much Jesus really wants to bring real freedom to peoples lives. Do we want to see the people around us find freedom? - enough to do something about it?
I don't think there are many who know what real freedom is. I don't think I know what real true freedom really looks like. I think I've tasted it though... enough to want it for myself and to want it sooooo stinkin badly for the people around me.
We have an amazing God who wants to bring Salvation to every situation in our lives. To the things we struggle with, He wants his Salvation to reign in those places... to the places deep down where people are so hurt and broken - God wants to pour out his Salvation in those places.... It is God who helps us stand firm in the midst of a shaken up, messed up world.
(some lystra silence lyrics below)
Whom have I in heaven but you
Earth has nothing I desire beside you
I look to the East and I look to the West
I found nothing compares
You remain the same

we praise You because You are the hope of our salvation
You have given us firm ground to stand upon
we praise You because You are the rock of our salvation
and after we've done everything to stand,


At 11:51 AM , Blogger Bobbinoggin said...

lystra's silence played for chi alpha in moscow tuesday night.

what kinds of things can we do outside of prayer in order to make a difference? i'm interested in your thoughts.

At 9:00 AM , Blogger Sara said...

Well, good question. I think prayer is definately #1, because I know the absolute power there is in prayer. But I think few are willing to take their pray to such a level where it causes them to action. I know I am that way sometimes - It is kind of a scary thing. But I think if we are willing to purposefully take our prayer to a much deeper level God will give us more of his heart and he will give us specifics on how to go make a difference and we will be compelled to action in certain ways. I guess to, that I am wondering how can we make much of a difference and see God use us to bring healing/freedom to people's lives outside of relationship? Haven't figured out how it really works outside of relationship and selflessly investing in people's lives. I guess I have just experienced too many times where people's response to those who are broken and hurting is "well, I'll pray for you." and it is left at that... no other action takes place. God wants to bring our faith to such a place that we KNOW that he wants to bring freedom and healing and that we are so convinced of it that it causes us to some sort of action... faith without action is what? James2:17

At 9:51 AM , Blogger holly said...

Hey Sara-
Ya know I was thinking about you said....and I really think that when people are going through crazy times its really important to pray but also to come alongside....it looks different for different people but to walk with them...physically. TO talk to to hang out because what more do people want when going through hard times than to not feel alone. Prayers don't neccesarily make you feel comforted....people do...action....support. Just a thought. I like when you get deep:) Get deep more:)

At 11:00 AM , Blogger Bobbinoggin said...

i definitely agree that prayer is essential... but that just saying the mere phrase, "i'll pray for you" can definitely push people away. it's as if that phrase alone gives us the ability to mentally separate ourselves from the problem because we have faith that God will take care of it. Of COURSE God will take care of it... but i think most of the time what we want in even higher servings than prayer, is sympathy, mercy, grace, understanding, and the comfort of knowing that we don't have to go through our hardships alone.

i'm horrible with praying alone. you suggest, sara, that we go deeper in our prayers and that through prayer, God will push us into action... but i wonder if this would ever happen for me, because prayer isn't something that's so easy for me.

i wonder if for those whose spiritual gift is far from that realm, if we could instead offer to pray WITH the person... in my case, this helps me relate better with the person and also spur deeper conversation with the person afterward.

actions--hollyrose is completely on with "walking with them". be it by offering to be available at any time... getting groceries together once a week, coffee time, or simply random words of affirmation through phone calls, voicemail and cards...

i think we should look at the five love languages and brainstorm for any given individual that God may be nudging us toward... how could we love them with one thing from each of the five love languages? words of affirmation; quality time; acts of service; gifts; physical touch.

i like this conversation.

At 11:35 AM , Blogger Sara said...

Melissa and Holly: I love your comments/suggestions! I like these kind of conversations.... Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Stef: Shawn McDonald is playing in the Seattle area the next two nights.


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