Just for fun...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Feeling rather strongly about cats today

I know when my dog REALLY has to use the bathroom - she jumps on me and starts to bite my hands. This morning she REALLY had to go. I was awakened by a dog pouncing on my stomache and wet teeth and slobber all over my hands. Some people think that is gross, personally, I think it is kind of cute. I love my dog. I love it when other people love my dog. There are some girls who come over for a bible study who love her... and our friend Pooh who comes over and loves on her... this is a good thing. I think I could only marry a man who loves my dog or dogs in general. If a guy has cats or likes cats, not a chance in hell will I marry them... Ok, that was kind of extreme, but today I am feeling rather strongly about that. I saw a stinkin' HUGE cat in the cemetary today, I thought it was a fox... nope, just a stupid cat.


At 9:49 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

I would have thought it was a fox too; if it was bigger, wasn't stripped, had a fuller tail, oh... and wasn't a cat.

At 1:23 AM , Blogger brian said...

I guess we're never going to get married then, are we? So sad.

At 6:40 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Cats are yucky. I don't think they are as clean as some people say. they walk in their litter box where they use the bathroom and then they walk on your furniture and counters. its gross. they're cute when they're kittens, but then they are so ugly. Cats bad. Dogs good. LOVe dogs.

At 1:30 PM , Blogger kaz said...

Nice cats are beautiful and well, dogs are fantastic.
I Love all Gods creatures

At 7:52 AM , Blogger Steph said...

I believe you had moments where you like Annabella, like dancing with her in the living room. Annabella was a cat who like you even thought she new you liked Sadie better.

At 11:09 AM , Blogger Fawn said...

Oh come on, are you sure you don't want to go swim??? Hey, I'll even let you jump in first!


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