Just for fun...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Stressful turns into good.

Yesterday was a stressful and scary day. I got a message from my sister saying "Colleen (my 17month old niece) got burned badly with hot water and is being airvac'd to another hospital." That made my heart sink! I got so many people praying for her and I prayed my gutts out for her and guess what? ? ? Kinda a little miracle happened! She is doing SOOOO stinkin' good that she was able to go home TODAY! Only in the hospital for like 24 hours. Tonight she was home dancin' in the kitchen, probably celebrating how good she is doing and that she is home and that her Good God took care of her. :)


At 3:51 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Yikes! You need to tell me the story sometime.


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