Just for fun...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Anyone Have Some Change?

Hey! You might notice that my blog looks a little different - well, I just needed a change. I think that was the exact reasoning I gave my parents when I wanted my second ear peircing in Incirlik, Turkey (high school) - "I just need a change." I don't know why I like change, keeps things exciting I guess. I just changed my hair color - very subtle, not many can tell. But I love it. I changed my eating habits. I am on day 5 of a new me. I am doing well, sticking to my healthy eating plan. And it is not that bad! :) Ever wanna just get out of town and go on a roadtrip for a change of scenery? I DO! Some people would say this change thing of mine would be because I am "unstable" or unable to settle down. I'm not unstable. It is my belief that I was created with this desire for change already built in to who I am. hmmmmm. Why do seasons have to change? Day changes into night? We all change and grow old? Yes, that is the way things were created and this is the way I was created: for change. :)


At 5:16 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Just so you know...you are welcome to take a road trip out to see me anytime. I am waiting for you....

At 11:34 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Today I changed my clothes.


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