Just for fun...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas in N.C. STATE

I'm in North Carolina! I will spend Christmas here with my sister, and her husband Rory, and baby Colleen, my parents, and the dogs, patch, bandit, and chance. It is warm here compared to Idaho. My travels went well - strangers always treat me like I'm 16 though...but I'm used to it. Starbucks ginerbread lattes are great. I love vacations!


At 1:02 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

Glad you made it safe, have fun dude, while i freeze out here...Merry (early) Christmas!

At 3:52 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Sometimes freezing is much more enjoyable in the winter than warm weather, Atleast for me. I like snow on Christmas! But I will definately have fun here!

At 4:38 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

You're smart, I knew you'd figure it out. Besides, I'm still a little embarassed by the whole thing. I really did it to post on yours then Jess said I should start one, and there you go...my blog.


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