Just for fun...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Saturday Morning Breakfast

I like to be lazy on Saturday mornings. I like to sleep in the livingroom on Fri. nights because in the mornings it is the darkest room in the house and the sun doesn't wake me up (if stephanie keeps her bedroom door shut). Anyhow, I didn't really sleep in this morning, but got up and made homemade pancakes; some that were banana and some that were blackberry. They were sooooo good to me... my only thought the whole time was "my mom would be proud of me." My mom makes the best banana pancakes ever, and the best homemade cinnimon rolls. I hope I can go visit in the near future and get spoiled by mother. A lot of times I hate being so stinkin' far away from family. I lvoe my family.


At 8:46 AM , Blogger Steph said...

You didn't really "think" that your mom would be proud of you, you said it out loud. And its not my fault there is a window in my room and you don't like to see the light at 8:30 am. Anyways, I like sleepovers with Sadie too!

At 8:59 AM , Blogger emily said...

lazy saturdays are my favorite. coffee and muffins...or pancakes. it's all good. and then snow outside is happy too

At 10:57 AM , Blogger Janel said...

I LOVE YOU!!! I love lazy saturdays. They're never too lazy with a 1 year old that wakes up at 630, but its still fun. Pancakes sound yummy in my tummy. later. janel

At 3:16 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

Wish I could of stayed and ate some pancakes, but the cottage cheese w/ fruit was pretty good too.


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