Just for fun...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I am in love

Just a little note to say that I am IN LOVE with Londonderry (locally known as Derry), Ireland.
It still feels like we JUST arrived and we have been here for 5 days now. I think I will definately be sad when we leave and that it'll feel like departure time will come too quick!

The accent here is quite rhythmic in a way and it is VERY hard to not pick up the rhythm and talk with their accents... even the americans here have that Irish "rhythm" in their speech. I might come back with an accent. ;)

Today we spent the whole day walking around town handing out some of those 18,000 flyers we stapled(we will be doing that for the next 3 or 4 days.)

A local artist came over this morning and taught us how to face paint for the kids program...

Tonight we had local fish and chips (i just had the fish) for dinner... it was wonderful deep fried local fresh fish... mmm mmm!

Here is a picture from our bbq yesterday:

Well, tomorrow we will move into the local college dorms for the next 10 days as we will join 30 people from California (arriving tomorrow) to work with the kids program. The next 10 days will be VERY busy and I am not sure we will have internet access... but i am hoping for it so that I can continue to keep you posted.

I have become way to used to tea and biscuts 3 times a day! the tea is so good here and they say that america gets the least quality tea and that is why the tea is sooo good here... it is of the highest quality.
The pastor of the church here made Jeni( a girl on our team) get up infront of everyone last night at a meeting and tell her story of going to bed at 5pm the day we got here and waking up at 7:30 thinking it was morning and getting all ready for the day but it actually only being 2.5 hours after she went to bed. they think it is sooo funny.

well... i guess till next time... know that i will be enjoying much tea and many cookies!


At 3:46 PM , Blogger Adriane said...

sara, it sounds like you're having so much fun! i'm so glad you were able to go and be blessed by and be a blessing to the irish people. i love the pics!

At 4:36 PM , Blogger Steph said...

say hi to Jeni and let her know I am laughing with her on the 2.5 hours of sleep. I have a roommate forgets things in her sleep too. ;)

At 5:43 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

you girls are so cute! take pics of the face paintings you do. the food looks gooooood. Yeah, I'm pretty much starving right now, cabbage soup here i come.

At 6:03 PM , Blogger Janel said...

I so want to go to Ireland after seeing your pics. I think we have a winning destination for our 30th birthday sara!


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