Just for fun...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Ireland Day 1 or something...

well, we have arrived in Derry "Londonderry" Ireland. I am SOOO tired. we arrived at 10am monday morning local Londonderry time... it is now 4pm local time - we have been fighting sleep all day so that we can just go to bed tonight and be adjusted to the time change. I am now on hour 28 with no sleep. It feels like forever ago that we departed Salt Lake City.
What I first experienced in Ireland:
- cute little red head kid running around customs without his pants on.
- custom officers that were VERY KIND.
- They are the friendlies people here!
- a flight attendent from Dublin to LondonDerry that looked like Molly Shannon with an Irish accent.
- Beautiful green rolling hills and sunny and 65 degrees.
- the coolest accents EVER everywhere we turn!!!!
- my first confusion with the lingo: craic pronounced CRACK. means fun... laughter...
"that pub has good crack (craic)"
"last night we had the best crack (craic) at their house."
(I'm glad someone explained that one to me - I was very confused.)

... i need some sleep soon! :)


At 9:31 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Glad you are there. I woke up this morning and my first thought was "Sara is in Ireland now." Thats cool molly shannon was your flight attendent. Were you tempted to stick your hands in your arm pits?

At 12:12 PM , Blogger Steph said...

You are probably close to sleep as I am writing so I hope it comes quickly after so many hours of not.

At 4:36 PM , Blogger Adriane said...

tell the irish people HUUULLLLO! for me:)

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

Glad you made it safely! Please blog as often as you can about your adventures.


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