Just for fun...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Energy Bar Ramblings

I ate an energy bar that claims to be "THE Nutritious Energy Bar with the Memorable Candy Bar Taste." ummmmm.... this particular energy bar did not meet up to the standards it claimed to be.
Many things in life don't meet up to what they claim to be. I've watched movies that claim to be the best movie of the year... disappointment. Coffee shops that claim to be the best coffee in town..... disappointment. Crappy customer service that claims to put customer service first... disapponitment. Frozen cheese sticks that claim to be JUST like the cheese sticks from TGI Fridays.... disappointment.
I've been noticing lately that there are many things in life that "claim" to be something they aren't - something they can't measure up to. I don't want to ever be that way - I don't want to ever claim to be something that I can't measure up to that would cause nothing but disappointment to those around me. k- those are my deep thoughts for the day that stemmed from my energy bar.


At 5:14 AM , Blogger Janel said...

remember in the movie elf, he took the girl to that little cafe with the sign that said "world's best cup of coffee." He had her close her eyes and taste a cup of coffee and he asked her what she thought and she said "it tastes like a crappy cup of coffee." He said "noooooo, its the world's best cup of coffee. You blog made me think of that. That movie makes me laugh a lot.

At 12:12 PM , Blogger Adriane said...

it's amazing the insight we gain from marketing fallacies on little things like energy bars:)

At 9:02 AM , Blogger Bobbinoggin said...

indeed. like frozen pizza. why the hell do we EAT that stuff? it doesn't even taste like real pizza? but we still do. and we'll even buy it just to doctor it up and make it TASTE just a little more like pizza. shredded cheese, crumbled parmasan. the insanity!

At 11:25 PM , Blogger brian said...

Want to go to TGI Friday's to get some real cheese sticks?


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