Just for fun...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

more ireland

(the dorms we are staying in)

Things are going great in Ireland...
we are now joined with 30 other “americans” from california and nevada. not to brag or anything but we are known as the “washington/idaho group” that is preferred for a job or task that needs to be accomplished. this is probably mostly due to the fact that we were here a few days before the rest of the group and were able to get much accomplished…. but also due to our team’s work ethic and joyful spirit. I am proud of the way everyone has been working hard and working together!

we have been doing a lot of work to promote “kids week” (the big program july 6-8) - consisting of handing out pamplets and balloons, and facepainting. mon - wed we will be going through neighborhoods, gathering kids, and putting on big “presentations” with dramas, music, games and more to get the word out about july 6-8. keep these dates in your prayers because these are the dates of the program that all our work & efforts of the last week have been towards, where we will be presenting the gospel to maybe 800 - 1,000 children. Today we worked all day handing out flyers about the kids program. 2 of the locals I was with me asked if I was "American"... I said "yes" and they were confused as to why I wasn't tan. They thought all amaricans were tan and had darker skin than I. :) I thought it was funny.

last night we had the opportunity to go to a “local’s” house and just hangout and have fun. we watched an old irish film and had the greatest time drinking tea and eating cookies while sharing stories and laughing lots!!! the irish have the best sense of humor and are often laughing! i've been asked on quite a few occassions if i have irish roots because I can jump in and joke like them! ;) I get it from my mom! :) for instance here is my mom's sense of humor I inherited: one lady jumped up to try to touch something and someone asked if she played volleyball... she said "actually yes." and informed us that the position she used to play was a setter. I couldn't pass up making a comment about that making her an Irish setter! :) ha! i kill myself! ;) thanks mom! ;)

today we got to go to church at cornerstone–the church we’re working with. it was really amazing to be singing songs with some irish Christians who love God and are serving Him with their whole lives. it was great to have tea and coffee and visit with them afterwards as well. there are opportunities for tea and coffee EVERYWHERE! it is such a huge part of the culture... I have atleast 5 cups of tea a day... no complaints.

I met a girl today named Olwyn... we became pals because we both carry sunscreen in our bags/purses. :) i love fitting in with all the other fair skinned freckled irish! :)

I am still LOVING it here!


At 11:08 AM , Blogger Janel said...

I can totally see the Irish having a good sense of humor. The Guibersons always have a good laugh when we're all together.

At 3:36 PM , Blogger Adriane said...

sara, looks like you shoulda borrowed some of steph's neutragena tanner/bronzer before your trip so you looked like a "real" american...j/k... what an great example your team is of young american christians!! sounds like you're having a blast! are you doing anything to celebrate july 4th?


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