Just for fun...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

quick greetings

just a quick greeting. i found an internet cafe and it cost mucho bucks to get on the internet so i have 3 minutes. :)
Things are still going well. i got quit burnt the last 3 days cause we were outside all day! i will have to tell you more about that later...
today was day one of 3 days of HUge kids program in the local theatre/civic center type place... today we bused in over 500 kids.
ok, times to run out. :( hopefully i'll have more time soon!


At 4:44 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

glad you had a min to say hi :)

At 6:42 PM , Blogger Janel said...

I hope you aren't in pain from your burn. Remember spending the whole time at spirit west coast with your lips on snow cones, because they were so burned? That was funny.


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