Just for fun...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

roommates who think they are linebackers

Sunday I had kind of a funny accident before heading to church. I was walking down the hall and didn't know my roommate was right behind me -- so i turned around really quick and smacked my eye socket on her forehead.... almost knocked me out I tell ya. 3 days later and my eye socket still feels bruised, unfortunately it didn't turn into a black eye so I don't have proof of the run in. Don't worry Fawn, I know it wasn't your fault. Purely accidental. & Funny. It did, however, bring back bad memories of a time in highschool when we were playing a basketball tournament. The ball was just inbounded to me... and i have no clue what my teammate Liz was doing right behind me, she should've been down the court, but I had the exact same type of run in. Turned around - SMACK! - Knocked me out cold. My own teammate took me out of the rest of the game & tournament and I had to spend hours in a Turkish hospital... not fun. But I did get special treatment from everyone the rest of the trip (including being woken up every hour through the night) and a great bunch of dozen roses & card reading "sorry about your accident" from my boyfriend at the time. .... there are perks to injuries I guess.... Fawn, where's my special treatment? just kidding.


At 5:57 PM , Blogger Janel said...

I remember that accident. I got put in guard. I scored the most baskets I ever scored. That was my best game ever. I got the game ball. Maybe you should've gotten hurt more often. Just kidding.

At 2:30 PM , Blogger brian said...

I remember going to buy flowers with Bob.

At 2:53 PM , Blogger emily said...

janel that's hilarious. the irony of it all.

At 2:38 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

well i do have football-player-like shoulders...don't be jealous

At 2:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. i love your stories!

At 11:59 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

I don't remember that. Weird. I'm not sure where I was then... I can just see you and Fawn laughing!


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