Just for fun...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Waiting with excitement!!!

we are in the proccess of cooking a whole load of thai food for dinner. i've been craving it for a long time!!!! i just thought i'd share with you the beautiful creation that i am looking forward too... mmm mmmm mmm!


At 5:16 AM , Blogger Janel said...

looks super yummy.

At 4:30 PM , Blogger emily said...

it was. there was a whole vat of it. we ate it in front of the fan tho. even sara's AC couldn't keep us cool enough.

At 12:53 PM , Blogger Steph said...

It was wonderful!

At 12:54 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I didn't even remember most of the making process as I was drooling on my pillow for a few minutes :)

At 6:22 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

it has been FOREVER since you blogged, you must be too good for the blogging world now...

At 12:16 PM , Blogger emily said...

Mr. Fawn, it's been FOREVER since you blogged

At 7:04 PM , Blogger Adriane said...

now mr. sara has become too good for the blogging world..... :)


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