Just for fun...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Don't get your tongue stuck on a frozen flag pole and then use mouthwash

Yesterday I was working at a concession booth at the state fair called Noah's Ark. We sell this fancy ice cream that is fun to make. you take fresh cream and mix in the flavors you want and any candy bar mix-ins and then you freeze it with liquid nitrogen - pretty cool stuff. Well, towards the end of the night I made a batch for someone and had some left over... it was cookie dough, i can't resist cookie dough. well, as I'm going to wash the ice cream bowl i decide to pick up a piece of newly made cookie dough ice cream and pop it into my mouth. I am not sure what went wrong but the COLD ice cream froze to my tongue (it felt just like the time when I was little and I got my lip stuck to the metal in the freezer at the shopette.) Anyhow, so I pull the ice cream out of my mouth and manage to cause only minor ripping and bleeding. So, i finish off my work shift with a sore tongue.
Funny how you forget things so fast:
Well, by the time midnight rolled around and I was finally home I had forgotten about the whole tearing my tongue incident until I made the horrible, horrible mistake of putting listerene in my mouth. Let me tell you, that probably hurt worse then getting my whole tongue stuck to a flag pole and having to tear it off. I was in so much pain that i wanted to scream bloody murder, but couldn't cause the roommates were in bed.
So, now i know that if you happen to tear your taste buds and part of your tongue off, don't use mouth wash for awhile. And as G.I. Joe always says, "and knowing is half the battle."


At 7:27 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I want to try some of he cookie dough ice cream.

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

i do have to say it was pretty funny though!

At 9:41 PM , Blogger Bobbinoggin said...

EXCELLENT post sara!!! i commend you!

sorry for the pain though. :(

At 7:20 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Sounds like something I would do. Didn't you get your lips stuck in the freezer at the shoppette, because you were trying to get the last drumstick ice cream out of the back of it. I thought you've watched A Christmas STory enough times to know better. HA.


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