Just for fun...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Here we go

I'm starting a blog. It's the new thing to do. I have friends who have blogs and I've talked to strangers about blogs. Blog, blog, blog... that is what i hear a lot about these days. So, I thought, "Must be something fun and enjoyable to do if so many people are involved with such internet entertainment." So, here I am, going along with the crowd... and I guess I'm not completely sure why - I guess I just feel "compelled." :)
So, I don't really know what to do other than tell you about my day so far... I woke up with a horrible back ache and headache. Yes, it is winter, and yesterday I almost fell on the ice and pulled something in my back. I'm in pain. So, today I am one of the many Americans who rely on pain relievers to make it through the day, otherwise I would be at home in bed. But thanks to drugs, I can leave the house and get some work done.
Speaking of leaving the house, as I was driving down my street this morning I saw a cute old couple (I love old people) who were having trouble with their car in the snow. I didn't stop because many other neighbors had stopped to help - but I thought, "I know how it feels to have a vehicle that drives crappy in the snow. I'm so glad I have a new car that handles the icy roads with grace... But I just said outloud to the old people, although they couldn't hear me, "if I were rich, I'd buy you an SUV, so you can manage these roads with greatness (SUV's are a symbol for greatness - I thought about getting an SUV tatoo'd on me) But I'm not rich, so i'm of no help."
Can anyone buy my elderly neighbors an SUV?