Just for fun...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

For those in Pocatello.

I had an argument the other day with my roommate as to whether March came in like a lion or a lamb this year... What do you think?

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I missed the bus...

I have decided, for the sake of saving money, to make use of the public transportation Pocatello has to offer. It isn't a great system, but it'll get you around town. Well, I'm new to this takin' the bus thing, so I am still trying to get routes and timings down. This morning I found myself bundled up, standing in the pouring rain waiting for the bus... Come to find out I missed the bus. So, I had to walk back home in the pouring rain and get my car and continue on to my meeting I was heading to. Made me think of back in the day, a hit by Kris Kross. Some might be asking, who is that? Well, they were somewhat popular back in the day-- I know, I'm old. But, for your viewing enjoyment here is the song that went through my head when I missed the bus...