Just for fun...

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The thought of blindness opened my eyes to the bigger picture

We have the cutest kindergartner at school. No doubt all the teachers love her to death. She has the most amazing personality for a kindergartner. There is something really special about this kid... and we've all seen it since the very first day we've met her.
Well, last week we found out that she has a degenerative eye disease and is progressively going blind. First word of this news broke all of our hearts. The thought of her having to go through that and spend a majority of her life unable to see and experience all the discomfort and negative emotions that come with that......
But after thinking about it for a little while this isn't such a grim prognosis after all. For One, this kid is resilient. This is the type of kid who will find hope when the rest of the world sees none. This is the type of kid that will hold up and carry the torch of Joy when the rest of the world gives in to discouragement and despair. Yes, she's only a kindergartner... but like I said, there is something very special about her...
... and Secondly, I've heard of and seen God heal much more complicated things than this. I believe God can heal her eyes. What an opportunity we have as her teachers to pray for that and call God's healing into her life.