Just for fun...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Sometimes things get lost - even in cyberspace

Well, I really don't know what happened... my 2 most recent posts just decided to show up missing. My lovely post about food and my post about my embarassing mishap of throwing my pj pants into the toilet... where did they go? they are no where to be found. Did someone steal them? It is quite odd - i think.
I was in Boise the last 3 days for a thingy where pastors get together and talk. :) I went to the best coffee shop EVER! I could have stayed there forever (at the coffee shop). I had fun in Boise, however it was challenging at time. # 1 because I had to hang out with the boys the whole time, I was desperate for some female interaction... and # 2, It is always challenging to be an intravert in a room full of extraverts and not question "do I have the wrong job?" seems like all pastors are VERY extraverted and I felt quite out of place and alone in the midst of such a crowd.
Anyways - Boise is very busy and you spend forever in traffic and i decided i don't want to live in a big city with lots of traffic.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ok, for all those in waiting... Adriane's gift was a "cow pack". A cute cow toy, the cutest cow pillow, cow tails (the candy), and a cow dish towl... All inspired by the mating cows (http://aeisaak.blogspot.com). I guess you have to really see the gift to get the full effect of it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Don't eat body Wash!

I must say that fawn (http://fawnjohnsonfawnjohn.blogspot.com) isn't alone when she eats body wash for lunch or breakfast. I had such a similar experience today when I went to smell some body wash at the store and it shot up into my nose and my mouth... i had the taste in my mouth forever... ick! Sad thing is that fawn was in my presence when it happened and she laughed at me. But I was laughing too, I tried my best to play it cool... then I proceeded to buy adriane the coolest birthday present...(I can't tell you what it is just by chance she might get to read this before she opens her present) but I think it's funny... i'll let you know later.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I love my new pillow case. It is WONDERFUL! This silky cover allows you to wake up with a fresh morning face. No more sleep wrinkles. Everyone should have a satin pillow cover... thanks Adriane for introducing me.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Puke at 3am

Ever wake up at 3 in the morning to the gross hacking sound of your dog puking all over her blanket? Ever try to find the paper towl and pick up the dog puke while you are still half asleep, trying not to gag?

Monday, April 03, 2006

beautiful weekend

Friday I watched the Kid. I love that movie. People sitting in the living room laughing together, that was a beautiful thing.
Saturday I was soooo lazy. It was a good thing - it felt wonderful. I didn't get movin' until atleast NOON. I just bummed around forever. IT was a beautiful thing!
Sunday I got coffee from Double Shot on the way to church... that was a beautiful thing. Sunday Night I got to kind of talk on the phone with an amazing friend whom I haven't really talked to in awhile... that too, was a beautiful thing
Today is Monday and the sun is actually out.... beautiful.