Just for fun...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rated M

Today on the playground I had to laugh because two boys were playing some sort of shoot em up game. Well as they ran by another kid, one of the two shoot em up participants said to the other participant "... and then I blew you up." The kid they were running by while this "blow you up" statement was said yelled out to them, "hey you shouldn't be playing that game! It sounds like it is rated M for Mature and that is not allowed at school."
Do we live in a video game world, or what?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Favorite thing said to me today....

My favorite thing said to me today from a 4 year old at work....

"I want to be like Jesus. Can I be like Jesus?"

love it!!!!

This statement was then followed by, "Jesus saw a ghost... the ghost said boo... and Jesus said AHHHHH! then a boat sunk."

But I liked the first part of our conversation. ;)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I learned today...

1. being around grumpy people is much like wearing control top panty hose. annoying, uncomfortable, and flat out sucks.

2. watching a 4 year old eat a piece of chocolate cake can make all the difference in my day.... ;)