Just for fun...

Monday, November 27, 2006


This Thanksgiving I got to spend with my brother, sister-in-law, and parents. It was a GREAT time, being that I haven't spent Thanksgiving with immediate family for oh, 7 years. We had a lot of fun together. I got my pre-Thanksgiving dinner nap. A GREAT Thanksgiving meal made mostly by my brother who is an Amazing cook. Then I got my post-thanksgiving dinner nap as we watched A Christmas Story. I won UNO Spin, which was a fun game. It was a great time. My brother took us out to the bar for deep fried pickles and deep fried Mac and cheese triangles. That was an experience... but the deep fried pickles were actually really good. Travels back to Idaho were not so fun with great wintry weather, but I'm home safe. Holidays are definitely better with Family!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I'm often confused by the word "ambulatory". I just don't' get it. I daily drive by a sign for a foot doctor that says something like "ambulatory care". I at first thought, "an emergency foot and ankle care place". NOPE. The word ambulatory means "of, pertaining to, or capable of walking". Examples: an ambulatory tribe... means not stationary... a moving tribe. An ambulatory patient means a patient not confined to a bed, strong enough to walk. Ambulatory clinics are clinics that you can walk in to, no appointment necessary. It just is a word that confuses me....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Nice Presents

I know people who are really good at Christmas shopping. They start early, spread it out over pay checks and are done before the Christmas shopping rush even starts. I try to be one of those people, but every year it never happens. Maybe some day I won't always be so last minute. But, with this being that time of year where gifts are given, my roommate's dog, Autumn, decided I deserved a nice gift. It was given to me early one morning when I let her out. She ran to the yard grabbed something and brought it up the stairs. I stopped her in her tracks before she could get inside, curious about what she had. I made her drop what was in her mouth and there it was at my feet a nice gift from Autumn..... a beautiful dead mouse. Now, I know it is the "thought that counts" but this really wasn't a nice gift... I really wasn't receptive to it so early in the morning. I was actually grossed out by it. So, I learned one good shopping tip out of all this.... shop to get something for someone that THEY would like; Just because you like it doesn't mean they will like it. Have the recipient of the gift in mind, not you. So, maybe this is a tip I will try to keep in mind when I someday start my Christmas shopping.