Just for fun...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Here is what I love about working with 4 year olds... keeping them entertained is so easy. Here is a conversation at recess today.

Ms. Sara: Hey, how are today Francine (obviously I changed the name for public blogging purposes)

Francine: Good. Here hold this rock. Pretend this rock is a spider and its sitting in your hand. And pretend you like this spider and its your friend. your pet. And pretend you named it Ralph. And pretend this other rock is a spider too. And its your pet. And pretend you named it Frank. And pretend I came to borrow your pet spider. And pretend this handful of rocks is a handful of worms. But pretend you like worms. And pretend you are going to give them to me. And pretend I really like my gift. And pretend I let the spiders and the worms play together. And then pretend I returned your spiders after the day was over. And pretend they had so much fun playing with the worms. And pretend you tuck your spiders into bed. And pretend you read them a story. And pretend I come over cause I left 1 of my worms at your house. And pretend you invite me in for a cup of tea. And pretend then while we are drinking our tea, my worms go wake up your spiders. And pretend you get mad and yell at your spiders to go to bed. And pretend I make my worms go wait over here in the car...............

and on and on and on this little story/acting out this story of the spiders and worms go....... till recess is over.

Man that was hard entertaining this child. What a rough day.....

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sandwich Surprise

I went grocery shopping late Wednesday night to buy a loaf of bread because I was CRAVING a peanut butter sandwich for days!!! So, Thursday morning I packed a lunch for work with my much prized peanut butter sandwich. At lunch, as I was handing out trays of beef burritos (eww) to the preschoolers all I could think about was my peanut butter sandwich waiting for me. Finally I sat down to eat my peanut butter sandwich (with extra extra peanut butter).... and about halfway in to eating my sandwich I bite into something green and hard, but soft at the same time... What is this in my peanut butter sandwich????? a green garbage bag tie. Now how did that get there? was it in the bread? The tie I took off the bread bag was one of the square plastic ones... so it wasn't what I had just taken off the bread bag.....was it in the peanut butter??? I am just baffled at how this got into my sandwich. Did it spoil my peanut butter sandwich appetite? oh no. I just quietly removed it... and finished consuming my peanut butter greatness.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I kissed a goat (and I liked it...)

My favorite thing at the fair this year: the goats!!! they are so cute. And they come in so many different looks... the floppy rabbit ear ones... the shorter pointy ear ones.... the cute little small ones... the ones the look like aliens and have no ears. And they have such funny personalities... (if you can say that a goat has a personality). They made me laugh a lot and warmed my heart when they'd give me a sweet little kiss. ;)

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

a little late

Well, I wanted to get a pic of my car turning over 100,000 miles. I wanted a pic of 99,999.... but I missed it!!! I got distracted and I missed it!!!! I will never get the opportunity on this car to get a pic of 99,999 .... and then turning over to 100,000. :( oh well, this is the closest I'll get for a photo. And well, maybe there is a lesson to be learned about distractions... ;)

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


I think one of my students misunderstood what this pencil was trying to get across as they were EATING this pencil. Kinda funny.