Just for fun...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Traveling Dog.

This past weekend when we were getting ready to head back to Pocatello from Flat Head Lake, Montana, Sadie Moose was so excited to leave or didn't want us to leave her behind that she chose to jump in the trunk with the luggage. She sat there for quite some time as we continued to get ready to depart. Sadie and Autumn are such good traveling dogs. I'd take 'em anywhere. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy things in life...

Morning coffee... mmmmm.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Don't let apperances deceive you...

If someone would have told me when I woke up this morning that I would start my day with a throbbing finger from a rodent bite, I would have laughed at them.
Well, let me tell you how that came to be... the school's pet Hamster has been MIA for several weeks now. She somehow escaped her cage. Well, she appeared and plain sight today in the kitchen. I didn't think twice when I thought "well, I will just pick her up and put her back in the cage." Well, no one told me that this particular pet has a reputation that precedes her. SHE'S MEAN!!!
So, when I caught her, she lived up to her reputation and swung her head around and grabbed a hold of my finger. Stupid rodent bit me. My gut instinct was to fling her off my hand halfway across the kitchen. Which she took as an opportunity to escape again and hide behind the cabinets. Therefore, she is still MIA and my finger is throbbing for nothing. She got a pretty good grip as my finger bled for quite sometime and there is pretty deep bite mark. Why do we have such a mean "class pet"? Even one of the kids said to me, "we should just kill that stupid thing." I don't like this Hamster. She's on my bad side right now. She's not a domesticated pet. She's a vicious animal. They look cute sometimes with their glassy beady eyes... but, no.... their eyes don't show their true character. evil. evil hamsters.