Just for fun...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Maybe Pocatello, Idaho is going to officially FREEZE off the face of the earth. Its been cold. Way Cold. Tonight I had the priviledge of coming home to no water. First thought: Frozen pipes! Yes, I think I have frozen pipes... that is, my house has frozen pipes. I don't have frozen pipes myself... just about though. As a good friend of mine says, "frozen ice-hole" - yes, i might have one of those.... but it doesn't cause me problems like the lack of water in my house.
So, I sit here at 11pm waiting for the water people to come. I called at 7ish... poor guy put me on the long list of houses to visit, informing me that it would be atleast 3 hours before he could make it to my house. Maybe I am feeling a bit emotional today but I almost cried on the phone for them.... I feel baddddd that they have to work all night in the FREEZING temperatures. Maybe I'll offer them some hot chocolate cause I can make some being that I went to WINCO and bought gallons of water to wash my face with and brush my teeth.
but hey, a heat wave is coming... the high tomorrow is 22!!!! and then 26 on Friday and then holy smokes, we are going to melt when it reaches the 30's this weekend!