Just for fun...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Waiting with excitement!!!

we are in the proccess of cooking a whole load of thai food for dinner. i've been craving it for a long time!!!! i just thought i'd share with you the beautiful creation that i am looking forward too... mmm mmmm mmm!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

TV Addiction

I don't have cable television, satalite television, or anytype of television. I know why. Last night we went to a friends house who has dish network. We watched what not to wear, and take home chef, take home chef, and what not to wear... I could sit infront of the TV for hours and hours. TLC is the best in my opinion. I really like Clinton and Stacy on What Not to Wear - I went shopping today and said, "I wish Stacy and Clinton were here to help me." I really need help. Anyways, watching tv last night made me want cable - but i will resist the temptation. I've lasted this many years without it, (about 5 yrs) I don't neeeed it. But Adriane, we like coming out to watch the dish network. :) we'll bring peanut butter pie next time!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm a grown up

I made an investment. I bought a bed and mattress about a month ago and today I invested in a comforter set... Macy's is going out of business so I saved $270 dollars on my bed skirt and comforter. I feel like an adult now - my roommate tells me that its about time. I am very excited about this... i'm not one to go out and spend money on such things... especially a bed skirt. I would have never thought I would buy a BED SKIRT! I BOUGHT A BED SKIRT! I actually had to be talked into it... i'm glad i did though, it adds to the "grown up" feeling.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Back on American soil...

rosemary and louise who had us out to their farm for dinner


welp, I'm home. It feels good to be home, but yes, i am experiencing just a lil' culture shock being back. I know I told you this before, but I fell in love with N. Ireland and could've stayed there (now no one get worried, I'm not going to pack up and move... but I will DEFINATELY try my hardest to get back to Ireland someday soon!)
Our last day in Ireland was great... we went for a lil' hike and saw an amazing castle. Topped off the day by having 5:30 tea (meaning dinner, dessert and tea) at an Irish Farm. Two ladies from the church (sisters: rosemary and louise) own and run this farm which they also turned into a bed and breakfast. WE HAD A BLAST! the weather was beautiful, the view was breath-taking... and the fellowship was a hoot! :) Then all the sudden I felt like I was in heaven when the rosemary and louise took us out to see their new 2 week old foal. THAT WAS EXCITING... for those of you who know me and know that I absolutely LOVe horses.... I was so excited I wanted to yell! :) but held it in to not spook the horse. :) It was a great way to end the trip!
Travels went home went well, but was very LONG. On the drive home from Salt Lake to Pocatello I am sooooo glad my roommate picked us up drove us home! I seriously was so tired I felt like I was drugged. I would close my eyes for 30 seconds and then open them and then look outside and everything outside was flipped upside down... we were driving on the sky and the road was above us... nothing I said was understandable and I bugged my roommate by asking every 5 min. if she was ok (I dont remember this at all!)
Anyhow... there is so much to share about Ireland... I have many stories to share and pictures... but for now, I am desperate for a nap! :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

heaven on earth

Have I told you yet how beautiful Ireland is and how much I LOVE IT here! :) yesterday we got to do some sight seeing. we went to Giant's Causway.... It is a part of the shoreline that looks man made because of the way all the rocks are, but it is actually a natural phenomenon. (see 2nd to last picture) Irish legend has it that an Irish Giant made it when he wanted to get to Scotland to beat on the Scotish Giant. ;)
Everything is expensive here! we found a starbucks... coffee was atleast 7 bucks. The amarican dollar isn't strong at all compared to the pound! It is kind of fun to me because the Irish around here LOVE Thai food... there is Thai everthing pretty much... I really dig the Thai potato chips!!!
Tonight we are going on a boat ride on the river Foyle with people from the church here... should be a lot of fun!!!
Today we helped throw a birthday part for the son of the people were staying with... he turned 5. besides a drive by egging the party went really well.
North Ireland is preparing for July 12th...July 12th is a big "holiday" here. It is about the battle of the Orange and the Orange Order.. the Orange order is Northern Ireland's largest Protestant organizations. Its origins lie in the 1690 Battle of the Boyne when the Dutch Protestant King William of Orange defeated his father-in-law, Catholic King James ll of England and Vll of Scotland. The protestants have been preparing for weeks for this day by collecting wood and couches to build huge piles all over town for bonfires(it is quite the sight to see)... there are also parades on this day... it is pretty much a day when the protestants go around and rub something from the past in the face of the catholics. It is a day when people like us go into hiding to stay away from potential riots. Not to worry because things have been fairly quiet for years now...
Well - Things continue to go very well and although I am absolutely loving it here... I am definately looking forward to returning home.... Till next time, i will of course be drinking tea and eatin' biscuts (cookies) :)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Kids' week '06

today we ended 6 consecutive days of hangin’ out with some of the most beautiful children on the planet. we spent the last 3 days running a large program in the local civc center with over 500 children each day - twelve 50 seater buses were sent all over the city to pick up the kids that anxiously awaited each day. it is exciting to look back and see what a success the past week has been! many kids were greatly impacted and won our hearts! It is kind of sad that the week is over becaue we know that our time in ireland will come to a close fast. :(

the blisters on my lips from my sunburn our feeling much better... ;)
today is our first day of true north ireland weather: rain, rain, rain... I LOVE IT!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

quick greetings

just a quick greeting. i found an internet cafe and it cost mucho bucks to get on the internet so i have 3 minutes. :)
Things are still going well. i got quit burnt the last 3 days cause we were outside all day! i will have to tell you more about that later...
today was day one of 3 days of HUge kids program in the local theatre/civic center type place... today we bused in over 500 kids.
ok, times to run out. :( hopefully i'll have more time soon!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

more ireland

(the dorms we are staying in)

Things are going great in Ireland...
we are now joined with 30 other “americans” from california and nevada. not to brag or anything but we are known as the “washington/idaho group” that is preferred for a job or task that needs to be accomplished. this is probably mostly due to the fact that we were here a few days before the rest of the group and were able to get much accomplished…. but also due to our team’s work ethic and joyful spirit. I am proud of the way everyone has been working hard and working together!

we have been doing a lot of work to promote “kids week” (the big program july 6-8) - consisting of handing out pamplets and balloons, and facepainting. mon - wed we will be going through neighborhoods, gathering kids, and putting on big “presentations” with dramas, music, games and more to get the word out about july 6-8. keep these dates in your prayers because these are the dates of the program that all our work & efforts of the last week have been towards, where we will be presenting the gospel to maybe 800 - 1,000 children. Today we worked all day handing out flyers about the kids program. 2 of the locals I was with me asked if I was "American"... I said "yes" and they were confused as to why I wasn't tan. They thought all amaricans were tan and had darker skin than I. :) I thought it was funny.

last night we had the opportunity to go to a “local’s” house and just hangout and have fun. we watched an old irish film and had the greatest time drinking tea and eating cookies while sharing stories and laughing lots!!! the irish have the best sense of humor and are often laughing! i've been asked on quite a few occassions if i have irish roots because I can jump in and joke like them! ;) I get it from my mom! :) for instance here is my mom's sense of humor I inherited: one lady jumped up to try to touch something and someone asked if she played volleyball... she said "actually yes." and informed us that the position she used to play was a setter. I couldn't pass up making a comment about that making her an Irish setter! :) ha! i kill myself! ;) thanks mom! ;)

today we got to go to church at cornerstone–the church we’re working with. it was really amazing to be singing songs with some irish Christians who love God and are serving Him with their whole lives. it was great to have tea and coffee and visit with them afterwards as well. there are opportunities for tea and coffee EVERYWHERE! it is such a huge part of the culture... I have atleast 5 cups of tea a day... no complaints.

I met a girl today named Olwyn... we became pals because we both carry sunscreen in our bags/purses. :) i love fitting in with all the other fair skinned freckled irish! :)

I am still LOVING it here!